Pretty crazy. Yes, there was a tornado. I would've never guessed there would be a tornado in Montréal. Anyways, I got some pretty epic pictures of the storm. See pics below ️
Our friend Jason Yang entered the waters of baptism yesterday. It was wonderful.

One of the beautiful things about missionary work is involving the members in our lessons. Because our friends can relate to the members much more than they can relate to us because we're just young adults.
All I can say is that the members in the Mandarin branch are incredible. They are so engaged in doing missionary work. It's awesome!
Our next goal with Jason is getting him to the Temple. I know the Temple is the House of the Lord. It is such a wonderful place to go.
These past 8 weeks have been SO awesome. I love being a missionary and helping others find their way in life.
Oh yeah, we're also teaching this family. The wife is named Yang Li, and the husband is Ya Peng Hui. They have 2 daughters. One is 5 yrs, and the other 8 months! They are literally THE nicest and cutest family. The dad is always happy along with the wife and kids.

And they went to Jason's baptism and they asked a few questions about baptism. So we will be teaching them and hopefully soon inviting them to be baptized.
Stay tuned
That's all for today
Group selfie
Golden hours
Selfie pt.2
Yang family
Smolderin' with sisters