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Writer's pictureSister Emily Johnson

Obedience = miracles!!

This week was wonderful! Especially the last few days! We found this one less active member last week, and his wife came out and asked if we were missionaries. We told her yes and she said "well he's not Christian. You can take him off your list." We didn't feel right about that. We felt prompted to come back and get his opinion to make sure.

We had 2 baptisms that we were going to attend on Saturday but the rules were changed last minute and so we couldn't go unless we brought a friend we're teaching. We had texted all our friends and none of them could come. At first we were pretty bummed because we didn't have anything else planned for those 2 hours. But we decided we would be obedient.

We decided to go visit that less active member again and I was a little nervous that his wife would be mad. I picked up my BoM to look for a scripture to share with him and the first one I opened up to was 1Nephi 4:6 "And I was led by the spirit not knowing beforehand the things which I should do." So I figured that was the spirit telling us "just go!"

So we went to his place and he answered the door! He was kind of the opposite of his wife, Super nice and respectful! We asked if there was a time we could come back and share a message with their family, and he said yes! Still not sure how the wife is going to respond to us coming back, but I know Heavenly Father loves them and wants them to learn more of him.

Another miracle was at our ward Trunk or Treat later that night! Our mission president said it was okay to go to our ward parties (and not a baptism?? Lol jk) so we went and we were welcomed by so many members in our wards. I'm gonna miss Manoa and Makiki when I go back to the VC. While we were there one of our good friends sister Roy came up to us and told us she brought one of her new students (she teaches English) and her mom to the party! She introduced us to them and they are so sweet! The little girl literally just came from China! She's very shy but so nice! We exchanged contact info and the mom was like "yeah we should get together sometime and have a coffee!" Sister Roy looked at me and and laughed while trying to explain that we don't drink coffee, but her friend was distracted so we'll have to explain that to her later haha. But I know Heavenly Father is teaching us that "obedience brings blessings, but exact obedience brings miracles" -some apostle (actually I just searched it and it's from our prophet!.. and a general authority haha). I know that because we were obedient in all the things we did that day the Lord made sure that those 2 new friends were put into our path.

I love you all! Hope you all have a great week!


1. I love auntie faith

2.chinese translation for second hour

4. It's you dad! Jk haha

5. You can't tell but it was raining buckets!!

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